10 Things To Think About Since the World "Re-Opened"
Hello Sunshine! We've spent over 15 months in quarantine adjusting and readjusting almost every aspect of our lives, from our jobs to our family dynamics. It almost seemed like we'd never return back to "normal" and that our new lives, consisting of never-ending zoom calls and drive-by celebrations, would become the "new normal." With the combined efforts of modern science and old-fashioned common sense, we're starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel. We're two months into summer and the CDC has lifted mask mandates and social-distance guidelines. Shops and restaurants are operating at full capacity. Schools and workplaces are preparing for a return to productivity. Friends and family are reuniting after months of being apart. Communities are gathering for the first time in over a year. And personally, I feel like I'm finally releasing the stress of teaching both virtually and in-person during the most "unprecedented" ...